Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A problem shared is a blog-readership confused

I just squished my duck-billed platypus.

Cry cry cry cry cry.


At 4:21 pm, November 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual my dear, you're entirely right. The duck-billed platypus was very confusing. Much to my great relief, however, I've finally refound your blog, the address of which got deleted in the laptop madness which was my summer. I was going to ask you what it was but you've apparently disappeared from the online world. I feel like I should say something interesting now that I'm back with you, but I honestly can't think of anything but a blanket 'death to Kate' statement. Where the bloody hell she is I know not, but she's in a fair way to giving me a Jess complex. Oh and the new Harry Potter trailer came out online today, which was cause for much rejoicing for me at least. Right, back to anthropology, and possibly an attempt to find Mark's blog as well. Love you.

At 1:14 pm, November 24, 2006, Blogger Happy Crescendo said...

Hello Chrissie. I haven't the faintest idea what you mean by your duck-billed platypus.

At 11:15 am, December 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christine. As you are so fond of doing, you've disappeared again from our blogly focus. Please come back and explain what in the name of all things Scottish you mean by your duck-billed platypus.


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