Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Amusing Incident of the Day (well, Friday)

I just realised I didn't yet put my Hilarious Spectator Story in my blog. It's probably un-necessary, as I've told most of the people I know who are likely to get it, but hey. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

A few weeks back we decided to subsribe to the Spectator, you know, because I'm going to study Politics etc and I thought I should broaden my mind and read the rantings of right-wing journalists for a change. So, on Friday we got the standard "Congratulations, welcome to the Spectator, the best magazine in the world ever" letter. First Point that amused me was that it was signed by Kimberley Quinn. Second Point that made me laugh out loud into my breakfast was that the last sentence of the letter was "I hope this is the start of a long relationship."

The question now is, are the good people at the Spectator in on the joke, or is it all the Merest Accident?


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