...fa la la la la la la la la
It has been brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog in aaaages.
I don't really have anything to say (although I suppose I should mention that I'm back in Birmingham now, and technically on holiday, though I am in the midst of an essay on exchange and reciprocity among the Yanomamo and the Trobrianders) - so I thought I might as well share with you my newfound discovery of the fantastic adaptability of the carol "Oh Tannenbaum". Allow me to demonstrate:

#Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, how lovely is my Christmas tree!#
[to be sung on putting up your Christmas tree]

#Oh Christmas tea, Oh Christmas tea, how lovely is my Christmas tea!#
[to be sung on drinking your Christmas tea]

#Oh Christmas pie, Oh Christmas pie, how lovely is my Christmas pie!#
[to be sung on eating your tasty mince pie]

#Oh Christmas joy, Oh Christmas joy, how lovely is my Christmas joy!#
[to be sung in anticipation of Christmas joy]
You get the picture.
Feel free to post any other pleasant variations that spring to your mind in the comments section. Let's all share the Christmas joy!
(Y'see, this is what you get when I'm wheedled into updating without having anything interesting to say. You've got no-one but Mark to blame.)