Sunday, January 29, 2006

Living up to my name

I went and bought an avocado from Sainsbury's today, so tomorrow I will be able to have real genuine avocados on toast! I also bought cream cheese, because I am too cheap to buy goats cheese. Mmm, tasty.

I don't really have anything else to say right now, and what I just said really wasn't very interesting, but I felt the need to procrastinate from the constant (albeit interesting) reading, so there we go.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Consider the changes rung

I got bored waiting for people to suggest more ideas, so I've renamed my blog Avocados on Toast. I feel I should point out that this isn't favouritism on my part because it was Mark's idea - I just really like avocados. And toast. And particularly avocados on toast. (Very nice with goats cheese, a tasty and not at all pretentious snack.)

Today I have also learnt that 'avocados' is one of those words that very quickly starts to look really odd when you type it too many times.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

FAO David

What are you doing calling my boyfriend a Sexy Beast?! I could have you dismantled for this! (Sorry, I really don't know where that threat came from - Red Dwarf, possibly? I dunno, it's late and I'm very tired. Please feel free to ignore it.)

While I'm on the subject, I feel it's only right to point the rest of you in the direction of The Crazy Dance - mainly because Lisa found the original Crazy Dance so hilarious it'd just be mean to deprive her of more crazy dancing joy, and also because you get to Watch Mark Dance and point and laugh (or lust, apparently, if you are of David's persuasion).

Oh, and also, I'm back in Cambridge. So far I rate my term as Excellent, but that is probably mainly because it hasn't started yet and so I don't have any work, so I can sit around and drink tea and watch films and discuss lion names all day.

I have just realised that the title of this post bears no relation to any but the first bit of it. Well, that's what you get with late-night ramblings, I suppose. Yawn.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Getting your priorities right

From the chapter on methodology in my Social Psychology textbook:

"Other social psychologists have sometimes been lucky enough or perceptive enough to be in the right time and place to study fascinating phenomena such as a riot."

Now, call me crazy, but if I suddenly found myself in the middle of a riot, my first thought would not be, 'Ooh, lucky me! What a fantastic research opportunity!' But then, I guess that's why I'm not a scientist.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Still ringing the changes

Happy new year, all! I'm sorry I haven't updated in A Very Long Time. Look at everything that's happened since then! I've met Pat Sharpe of Funhouse fame; it's been Christmas; I've been to Ireland; it's been New Year; I've sunk in Irish peat bog up to my ankles; I've written an essay; Charles Kennedy is no more (well, no more leader of the Lib Dems; he is still alive, bless him).

Anyway, I digress. I've been meaning to update for a while now (partly because I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that my last post counts as Christmas decorations and I will get bad luck all year for not updating it away before the 6th), but after an eventful absence it's always hard to know quite what to say. So, my answer to this problem is to not say anything new at all!

Instead, I am going to give you an overview of the names I've had suggested so far for the great blog-renaming exercise.

1. "Constant Reading" - I quite like this one, but I have a vague feeling that using it would be misleading, as my blog generally provides anything but constant reading. (Maybe 'patchy and erratic reading' would be better... much less catchy, though.)
2. "Something about nuns" - That isn't an actual suggested name you understand, just a vague idea courtesy of Lisa. Although I suppose 'There's something about nuns' could work. (Any more specific nun ideas are, of course, welcomed.)
3. "So..." - I feel this is a bit short and would look funny in the taskbar. Also, it reminds me of my inarticulacy. (Is inarticulacy a word? Dear me.)

Anyway, three suggestions from two people is, I feel, a bit of a poor showing. It's not like you haven't had long enough to mull. Not that they aren't good suggestions, of course; but I'm going to keep it open a bit longer in the vain hope that someone will provide a bit more competition. Competition is healthy, except when it's not.