Saturday, February 12, 2005

In this week's Spectator: spontaneous combustion in three easy steps!

It's funny, I've been reading the Spectator online for a while now, and was surprised to find that it was reasonable, interesting and thought-provoking. Having subscribed to the paper edition, it's suddenly morphed into the maddening right-wing rag I'd expected it to be. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people being right-wing - in fact, reading the Spectator was partly an attempt to guard against me becoming a narrow-minded left-wing bigot (they do exist). But... well, maybe if I give a summary of the articles I've read so far in today's edition, you'll understand why it's made me want to beat my head against a brick wall.

1. Rod Liddle - "Make naivety history". We shouldn't cancel third world debt, because poverty isn't our fault at all - it's those nasty African dictators that are doing it, and we don't want to encourage them by writing off their debt repayments, do we now?

2. Michael Henderson - "Time to rescue BBC English". Why does nobody pronounce things properly any more? Verily, it is leading inexorably to the collapse of civilisation as we know it. [My problem with this one wasn't so much the argument as the fact that he had nothing better to write about.]

3. Mark Steyn - "Bush will not be mocked". All you English Tories should start supporting the war on terror, because if you don't, the ever-increasing Muslim population will take over the world! [Direct quote: the war on terror is "really about" the fact that there are "more Muslims, and more of those Muslims are a certain point, they won't need to release dirty nukes, because Islamification will be so advanced that many countries will simply find a way to accommodate it."]

Those summaries may sound like exaggerated parodies - but to be honest, these articles parody themselves. Seriously, what I've written above is a pretty fair summary of their arguments. If you don't believe me, you can read them yourselves at

Excuse me while I go and practise that spontaneous combustion thingy. Let nobody say the Spectator isn't educational...


At 4:47 pm, February 13, 2005, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

And to make matters worse, Rod Liddle isn't terribly good on Call My Bluff.

The Spectator website is at - .com redirects to, which, in one of the great tragedies of our time, doesn't seem to be working.

Oh, and while I'm being helpful, your no doubt sprawling readership can get around having to register to read the articles using the wonder that is Bug Me Not.

At 6:23 pm, February 13, 2005, Blogger Christine said...

Oops. I could change that on the original message, but then you'd just look silly. As opposed to me looking silly.

"My no doubt sprawling readership"? That was either very optimistic or very harsh sarcasm.

At 8:37 am, February 14, 2005, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

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At 8:37 am, February 14, 2005, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

Well... it wasn't supposed to be harsh...

At 7:51 pm, February 14, 2005, Blogger Christine said...

Well, maybe I'm just too sensitive / insecure / paranoid. Or, you know, all of those things. As nobody except you leaves comments, it's hard to know who's reading. Sometimes I wonder whether it is, in fact, only you.

We're having a conversation on my blog. Let's stop.

At 11:10 pm, February 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blogs! =) And now I comment.. just not about the contents of the blog. Mleh. See you soon, Ginga.. x


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