Monday, January 16, 2006

Consider the changes rung

I got bored waiting for people to suggest more ideas, so I've renamed my blog Avocados on Toast. I feel I should point out that this isn't favouritism on my part because it was Mark's idea - I just really like avocados. And toast. And particularly avocados on toast. (Very nice with goats cheese, a tasty and not at all pretentious snack.)

Today I have also learnt that 'avocados' is one of those words that very quickly starts to look really odd when you type it too many times.


At 6:21 pm, January 16, 2006, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

I reckon you're allowed pretension as long as it's very very tasty pretension.

At 11:56 am, January 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really should read this blog more often, things suddenly appear out of nowhere at the oddest times. Alas my nuns have been rejected; but as I've been revising about them for the past two days this is perhaps a good thing. Also, I can't get at the Crazy Dance, the computer won't follow the link! Woe is me!

At 2:40 pm, January 18, 2006, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

Sadly the Crazy Dance is down at the moment. Alas.

I expect it'll be back soon, though that's probably just blind optimism.

At 1:44 pm, January 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen the Crazy Dance. Very crazy it was too. Avacados are VERY yummy but i have never tired them on toast and/or with goats cheese (i wonder why...)
Merry Avacado!
p.s. Have you heard about the whale in the Thames??? I pray to the Irony Gods that it survives!

At 11:58 am, January 27, 2006, Blogger Char said...

Mmm.. avocados on toast.. Chrissy I got your letter and the froggy - love you, love you, love you!! Email me your address soon x

At 1:07 pm, February 14, 2006, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

I think I've just out-pretensioned you.

Avocado and goat's cheese... on a toasted bagel. With poppy and sesame seeds.


(Ah, and as if it weren't nice enough in itself, it also makes me think of you! Hurrah!)


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