Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Public service broadcasting

Now, it's very easy (not to mention fun) to mock Channel 5 for being naff and tacky and so forth. But if I'm going to do that, I feel it's only right to give it credit where credit's due, and it seems that credit is, at the moment, most certainly due. I'm talking about the new series Big Ideas That Changed The World, in which, well, big ideas - like capitalism, Christianity, democracy and environmentalism - are explained by leading experts in that subject. And when I say leading experts, I don't mean some beardy bloke from a university, I mean people you've actually heard of - Desmond Tutu, Tony Benn, Josef Stiglitz (okay, most of you probably haven't heard of him, but I have) and so on.

Now, this is the kind of thing that gets me really, really excited, which is no doubt very loserish, but hey - that's why I'm doing Social and Political Sciences at uni when most of you probably wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. Still, I think you should watch Big Ideas That Changed The World, because it looks truly, truly ace. Frankly, I think the BBC should be ashamed of itself, using public money to make rubbishy reality shows and Out-Take TV while Channel 5 - I mean, come on, Channel 5 - are trying to explain things that really matter in a 45-minute slot at 7.15pm on Tuesdays (that's 7.15pm on Tuesdays - put it in your diary).

I'm deeply irritated that I missed the first one (Communism, narrated by Mikhail Gorbachev - Gorbachev, for Christ's sake! Am I the only one who's hugely impressed by that?), so I thought to make up for it I would plug the series on my blog and hope some people listened. Tomorrow's is feminism with Germaine Greer, and I intend to watch it despite having several good reasons not to (namely, I find Germaine Greer faintly irritating, I'm not all that interested in feminism and I have truckloads of revision to do). You should too.

You never know, you might learn something.


At 5:37 pm, June 07, 2005, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

7.15pm on Tuesdays? That's nicely positioned a quarter of an hour into my Scout meetings. Curses. I think it's only fair that I should point out that Big Brother is a Channel 4 programme. The BBC's not perfect, but thankfully it's not plumbing those depths quite yet.

At 5:38 pm, June 07, 2005, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

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At 6:21 pm, June 07, 2005, Blogger Christine said...

I think it's only fair (to me) that I should point out that I realised that Big Brother is Channel 4 programme before reading that comment, and changed the post accordingly. I can only assume that my failure was due to some writer in the New Statesman making the same mistake, and the fact that it was late and I had been revising all day. Curses.


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