Blimey, it's been a while!
So, Blogger tells me that the last time I posted was at the end of February, which is frankly disgraceful. So much has happened! The gigs! The birthdays! The imbecile Polish bus drivers! It saddens me that these escapades have not been recorded for posterity on That Internet, so to make myself feel better about it I am going to provide a summary of Things I Probably Would Have Blogged About Over The Past Few Months If I Hadn't Been So Busy And Lazy. (Could that be the least catchy title for a list ever?)
Anyway. Since last updating, I have (in roughly chronological order):
- Sung with CBYV in Buckingham Palace
- Read the jokes off Penguin wrappers in Buckingham Palace
- Been served chipolatas roasted in honey by impossibly posh butlery people in Buckingham Palace
- Chatted to Prince Philip in Buckingham Palace
- Been blanked by the Queen in Buckingham Palace
- Helped make one of the tenors look ridiculously camp using a leather jacket and a pink scarf in Buckingham Palace
- Had a farcical bus journey with an imbecile Polish bus driver who didn't speak English and said "Oi-yoi-yoi!" like the bumble-bee man from the Simpsons
- Been forced to eat lasagne with a spoon and yoghurt with a fork due to the canteen's ridiculous lack of cutlery
- Concluded that my life was a farce being played out for the enjoyment of somebody somewhere
- Watched the Truman Show
- Become convinced my life was the Truman Show
- Become unconvinced my life was the Truman Show
- Acquired a deeply wonderful boyfriend
- Discovered that Digbeth coach station is, in fact, a shithole
- Discovered the coolest dog ever (it is made from mop-heads and I want one)
- Discovered the coolest word ever ('flub': to botch or bungle)
- Applied in writing to play the grand piano in Borders in Leeds
- Played the grand piano in Borders in Leeds
- Been thrown out of Borders in Leeds by a pleasant Australian security guard
- Stayed up all night for the Wake Up To Trade Justice protest in London
- Blown out candles at the midnight candlelit vigil at said protest because it was my birthday
- Turned 18
- Been to see the rather wonderful Willy Mason at the Academy (photos here)
- Discovered the genius that is Kid Carpet
Well, that's all I have time for just now, but I'm sure I'll remember a whole bunch of other stuff that I really should have included but forgot about. Still, this post is quite long enough as it is, so away with my tedious ramblings! Goodnight!
Ooh, I had forgotten all about that dog. Ah, how awesome it was. A bit of speedy research reveals that they're called Komondors, or Hungarian Sheepdogs.
A bit more research reveals that the proper plural is "Komondorok". Truly, they are the coolest dogs in the world.
Ooh, there's a twenty-two minute Kid Carpet mix on the website that I didn't know about. Ahh, good times.
Er... does you linking to my blog oblige me to actually update it?
Groovy. Now I know what to ask for when wishing on stars and things.
Twenty-two minutes? Is this the audio of "your love"? Because I just kind of assumed that was on a loop of about 3 minutes or so. I became rather confused when it still hadn't finished after 10 minutes and then noticed it repeating itself. Hmm.
No, not necessarily. Because anyone who hasn't already visited your blog has a wealth of entertaining archives to browse through, and anyone who already has is probably checking back anyway.
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