Saturday, February 26, 2005

"Snow joke" - the worst snow-based pun ever?

Well, looks like the snow's over for now. Sniff. For the last two days we've had rubbish snow which didn't settle at all, so to all intents and purposes it was actually raining. It was like the worst of rain and the worst of snow in one horrible perverse package. Meh. Meanwhile, I hear that Yorkshire is knee-deep in fluffy white stuff (although Neil and Mark are the only ones who can really confirm or deny this), so I'm quite jealous.

While we're on the subject of snow, there can be few more pathetic sights than swarms of under-15s trying in vain to have snowball fights with an icing-sugar dusting of snow. It really is like watching starving children fighting over a grain of rice. On top of which, these apparently harmless antics actually stop further snow from settling, which is why we're in the sorry snow-lacking state we are now (well, probably not, but I'm blaming them anyway, because I can). Still, if they hadn't been doing it, I would have missed out on Sousan shouting at bemused year 7s, "PUT THE SNOW BACK!"

It's a snowy tragi-comedy!


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