Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Ringing the changes

Brrr, it's cold. My excuse for posting to my blog now is that I won't be able to start on my essay until my hands have warmed up a bit anyway. So. I've decided that I'm bored of my blog's name and wish to change it, but I'm not imaginative enough to come up with anything (maybe the cold has numbed my creative capacities). So it's down to you, my beloved readership. Come on, it's not hard to come up with something better than what I've got now, which exists mainly because I created this blog late at night and couldn't be bothered to sit there and think up a decent name because I wanted to get to bed.

Any ideas?


At 10:05 pm, November 29, 2005, Blogger Mark Taylor said...

Ooh, audience participation! How exciting.

I have absolutely no ideas at all. Clearly I am just not very good.

Ah, my poor, cold love. You really should get that window looked at.

At 5:43 pm, December 01, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I recon you could just call it "Constant Reading"

At 9:25 am, December 03, 2005, Blogger Happy Crescendo said...

sorry no ideas whatsoever!
by the way, why do you have a strange URL i.e. 'oeufling'???????????
is that another example of late night blog creating and thumping the keyboard in despair to produce a bizarre web address????

At 11:05 am, December 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make it about the nuns Chrissie. Nothing makes me think of you more than the nuns. Or perhaps the word so, which as you rightly pointed out begins a great number of your posts.

At 12:28 pm, December 14, 2005, Blogger Christine said...

Okay, so I now have a grand total of two ideas. Come on people, that's even worse than a US presidential election! (It should be noted that I'm in no way passing judgement on the quality of the ideas here; it's just nice to have a plurality of options.)

Oh, and Shari: "oeufling" is a name my big brother used to call me; it's a version of "Oeuf", the name he still calls me, for some inexplicable reason. Apparently it's because I was so tiny when I was born I was no bigger than an egg. Hmm.

I suppose no-one will read this now, because I took so long to reply and it's quite far down the page now. Sob.

At 10:07 am, January 07, 2006, Blogger Happy Crescendo said...

I read it!!!
that is a tres weird name tho!


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